"Labor Day" Love

September 05, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


I meant to post this on Labor Day Monday, as kind of a play on words, but life and all kind of got in the way. I took a good portion of the summer off to travel nearly halfway across the country to be with my sister before she delivered her first baby. It was an incredible blessing to be able to be with her from the time her water broke all the way until my niece was born - nearly exactly 24 hours later after hard labor the whole time!!! - documenting the birth story in photos the whole time. Next to the births of my own children, this was the most amazing, beautiful experience in my life. Of course I stayed around to do "Fresh 48" photos and newborn portraits before making the long trek back home (driving the entire trip with my daughters by myself for the first time ever)!

I'm still trying to figure out how many of the photos I'm going to share of this incredible time, but I thought it would have been a fitting post on Labor Day to post photos of my sister's doctor in action on her "labor day." I wanted to share these, and it's better late than never - and at least it's just a few days late so it's still "Labor Day Week," right?

I recently put a collage together of some of these photos (as well as a photo of the doctor with the whole new happy family) and my sister framed it as a gift for their doctor. She told them that she hadn't seen photos like this of herself before! It made me wonder how many doctors help bring new life into the world all the time and don't know what the looks on their faces are as they are participating in such miracles. I had to share with the rest of you! 





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